Gli asteroidi e le comete sono molto importanti al Virtual Telescope: riserviamo loro una particolare attenzione, specialmente a quelli collocati su orbite che li portano nei pressi del nostro pianeta, chiamati “near-Earth Objects” (NEOs).
Effettuiamo sia osservazioni astrometriche che fotometriche, contribuendo sia allo studio fisico di questi corpi che alla determinazione delle loro orbite.
Frequentemente, contribuiamo alla conferma di potenziali, NEOs appena scoperti, attraverso i servizi del Minor Planet Center.
In basso riportiamo alcuni dei nostri risultati in questo campo, notando che si tratta solo di una parte del lavoro svolto in questo ambito.
a) Astrometria
- 2013 UG1: confirmation of NEO nature
- 2013 QJ10: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- 2013 AU27: confirmation of NEO nature
- 2013 AS27: confirmation of NEO nature
- 2012 XE133: confirmation of NEO nature
- Comet C/2012 X1: confirmation of its cometary nature
- Comet C/2012 V2: confirmation of its cometary nature
- 2012 UV258: confirmation of NEO nature
- 2012 US136: confirmation of NEO nature
- 2012 UC69: confirmation of NEO nature
- 2012 UX27: confirmation of NEO nature
- 2012 UU27: confirmation of its Mars-crosser nature
- Comet C/2012 T7: confirmation of its cometary nature
- Comet C/2012 T5: confirmation of its cometary nature
- Comet C/2012 S4: confirmation of its cometary nature
- Comet P/2012 S2: confirmation astrometry
- Asteroid 2012 SQ56: confirmation of NEO nature
- Asteroid 2012 SJ32: confirmation of NEO nature
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2012 SW20: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- Asteroid 2012 RW16: confirmation of NEO nature
- Asteroid 2012 RR16: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- Asteroid 2012 RM15: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- Asteroid 2012 RK15: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2012 RM2: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2012 QE50: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- Asteroid 2012 QH49: confirmation of NEO nature
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2012 QG42: confirmation of NEO nature (images; images 2, images 3, movie 1, movie 2)
- Asteroid 2012 QW17: confirmation of NEO nature
- Asteroid 2012 QX17: confirmation of NEO nature
- Asteroid 2012 QB17: confirmation of NEO nature
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 1994 EK: confirmation of its recovery
- Asteroid 2012 QP10: confirmation of NEO nature
- Asteroid 2012 QC8: confirmation of NEO nature (image)
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2012 PP28: confirmation of NEO nature
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2012 OQ: confirmation of NEO nature (special page on this object)
- Asteroid 2012 OP4: confirmation of NEO nature
- Asteroid 2012 OO: confirmation of NEO nature
b) Fotometria
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2006 VV2: lightcurve and animation
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2006 RZ: lightcurve and animation
2012 QH49
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